3-steps program






maintain & improve


Phase 1 consists of three RESET days that help our confused bodies get a fresh start. During reset we switch off from all the toxins we are bombarded with. We live in a toxins abundant environment. Think of all the sugar, bad fats, and processed foods we eat. Think of all the dehydrating, intoxicating liquids we drink. Think of all the negative thoughts and emotions we poison ourselves with.
The good news is that we can change all this quickly and effectively by adopting the Lite-Body® lifestyle and by physically pushing the RESET button of our body. In Phase 1 we learn how to relax into our body by completely switching/changing our body chemistry with the help of food, pure water and supplements. After three reset days, we are ready to begin a truly transformational process.


Phase 2 consists of 35 transformation days (5 weeks). The first 6 days of each week are transformation days. The 7th day is a reset day that will bring you back on track for the next week. Pure water, food, supplements, and exercise will change the body chemistry leading to visible results. You will become lighter – physically you will lose toxins and excess weight. You will become stronger – mentally you will have more positive thoughts. Phase 2 can be repeated as often as desired.


Phase 3 is maintaining and improving the positive changes we have made so far. This is a lifelong process. Phases 1 and 2 of the Lite-Body® are the solid base of physical, emotional and mental transformation. Phase 3 is a work in progress.

The Lite-Body progressjournal

All Lite-Body phases are accompanied by 'the progressjournal' which is the invisible force that sustains you during this journey. At the same time you will be encouraged to send to Lite Body the resume of your progress based on which you will be advised what is the best follow up for you. Once you start the Lite-Body journey you will no longer feel lonely.

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